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What is Brand Building Online? Why do you need to do it?

What is Brand Building Online? Why do you need to do it?

Consumers are attracted and loyal to brands that share their story. They’re looking for something that resonates — they want to know how your brand will solve their problems, desires, fears, wants, and needs. This builds emotional connection, delivers value, and ultimately drives action (leads/enquiries).

While technically brand building online is not a hard-and-fast lead generation activity (like digital advertising via a funnel ads approach), brand building online does generate activity and opportunities by building community and trust .

Brand building online consists of four key components…

1.   Defining the brand story

We’ve touched on this often — posting content about ‘how great you are’ gets boring real quick. It’s true. Yet, defining your brand story is a sure way to build a narrative about the facts and feelings your brand creates by driving an emotional connection with the audience. The brand story might be infused with the founder story or customers’ stories. At Blackjet, we start by defining your brand story in a series of content paragraphs that resonate with the target audience. Weaving this story throughout social media posts beautifully builds connection and brand as the audience resonates with the stories being told.

2.   Preparing a strategy based on brand story

Creating a strategy based on the brand story articulates what content is required to back up and tell the story – for example, testimonials, social proof, story telling posts, video, emails and articles. The aim here is to create a content calendar which weaves the brand story through the content and builds emotional connection, ultimately driving action.

3.   Communicating and adding value to build authority online

What does the ideal audience/customer want/need to know about? And, how does it add value to their life? How can your brand solve their problem?

A very simple and clever way to build authority and trust online is to share market insights or highlight trends through articles or blogs. For example, ‘top ute accessories for summer 2022’ or ‘why the job market is tight right now’. Personal branding can add that extra 20% of authority if someone fronts the content piece– it adds incredible value as humans relate to humans. 

4.   Consistency!

Consistently showing up for your audience, sharing value, telling your story, and being ‘visible’ builds an incredible amount of trust and brand. Ensuring there is a clear strategy and execution plan sets up brand building for success. Often, brands start this journey online, only to fizzle out at a later date or forget to post. At Blackjet, we understand and know what it takes to build brands online – it’s what we do! Taking care of consistency and actually implementing the strategy is just as important as planning and creating the content.

When describing brand building online, we like to use the analogy of an aeroplane. Imagine an aeroplane sitting on the runway. It has to go through system checks, it needs a crew, passengers, and momentum to get down the runway. It’s a bit like a brand building strategy; it requires effort and fuel to achieve take off, maintain the flight path and continue on the journey — all things we 100% understand and have the crew to achieve.  

If you’d like to know more about how brand building online can help you achieve your business goals, please book in a free one-on-one call with Founder Christine — click here.  

1 comment

Mar 09, 2023 • Posted by Helen M Mackay

Great tips thanks Christine and Blackjet

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