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What's your content strategy for the holiday season?

What's your content strategy for the holiday season?
While we all deserve some time at the beach after the year we’ve had, social media and online content are things that don’t ever really stop. One way to ensure you don’t lose momentum online over the holiday period is to have a content plan in place. We’ve gathered some content ideas to utilise this upcoming silly season, so you can  continue flying high online while enjoying some well deserved time off.

From within the bubble: What we are seeing with social media right now.

From within the bubble: What we are seeing with social media right now.

Business owners — I see you and I feel you.

It’s a bit of a weird time at the moment, right? It can be tricky navigating business when everything is so up in the air. It’s probably safe to assume that while you’re making alternative business arrangements and looking out for your team, the last thing you want to worry about is social media content. Comms are important of course — customers and stakeholders need to be kept in the loop, but other than a “the team is working remotely, we’re here for you” or a “our doors are closed at the moment, see you when we see you” social media post, where do you go from there? Should you share photos of your team in their bubbles baking the 2021 version of banana bread (which is cinnamon scrolls by the way!)? Should you carry on with the original content plan? Should you put a halt to social media posting altogether?

There is a right answer… it comes in two parts.

Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!

Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!
As an incredibly effective digital marketing tool, email campaigns are an integral part of building a brand online. They’re inexpensive, allow for measurability, and typically see a high engagement rate and ROI. It’s amazing how simple it is to create meaningful connections with stakeholders through email marketing by sharing stories, insights and adding value directly to their inbox!