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The Mirror Theory: Why Authenticity is Key to Social Media Success for Your Business

Social Media Management Wellington

Why do some people show fancy cars, expensive trips, and champagne drinking escapades on social media to promote their services and business?

In a recent conversation with a business-owner they expressed that seeing this online gave them a ‘yuck’ feeling. They felt it didn’t resonate with them - it seemed self-serving and egotistical.

However, this person’s social media looked successful. A decent following, strong consistent engagement and business seemed to be flying.

The question to me was “Do I have to do the same to have success on social media?”

The answer – “NO!”

And I’m dubbing this – ‘the mirror theory’.

Social Media Outlook: Why You Need to be Humanising your Brand

Social Media Outlook: Why You Need to be Humanising your Brand
With the year well underway, we’re already seeing a number of businesses realise that they need to be prioritising their online presence. Here at Blackjet, we work with a very wide range of businesses. Although their digital strategies differ from one client to the next, we’re seeing a very clear theme amongst all of them that is delivering results across the board — the need to humanise their brand. When it comes to creating an effective social media strategy, humanising brand is everything. Think about it — your customers don’t want to buy from a brand who uses inauthentic stock imagery. They want to buy from other humans who they identify with, people who understand their pain points and can offer a solution. So… how do you humanise a brand? We’ll tell you exactly how — read on to find out!