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Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!

Successful Email Campaigns: We Share The Secrets!
As an incredibly effective digital marketing tool, email campaigns are an integral part of building a brand online. They’re inexpensive, allow for measurability, and typically see a high engagement rate and ROI. It’s amazing how simple it is to create meaningful connections with stakeholders through email marketing by sharing stories, insights and adding value directly to their inbox!

Lifestyle Content; Why Brands Needs It

Lifestyle Content; Why Brands Needs It

Telling the brand story is easy (if the right content is available).

Adding value to the dream buyer/audience creates a beautiful relationship. The brand offers something of value that the consumer loves.

Lifestyle imagery and content is the personality of the brand. Clear cut images are boring (yes, there is a place for them), but they don't yell 'relationship', or 'I can see myself doing this with this product/service'.

When creating lifestyle content, have a think about what the audience likes to do, where they hang out, what they care about and show imagery that speaks to those interests.

Engagement Marketing During COVID-19

Engagement Marketing During COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the way consumers interact with businesses and brands.

According to SproutSocial "incoming engagements increased on average by 44 engagements per day across all networks and industries. On a per-post level, they also increased by about 7.3 engagements per post per day." suggesting there are more people online at the moment than ever before.

So, here are some top tips and strategies to employ during this time.

Keep Communication High

Now, more than ever, it is important to keep communication high. Now is not the time to drop social marketing (or, perhaps it is time to get started!). Share stories of how the your brand/business/community are adapting to working remotely, or how the business is heading back to work under new health and safety standards. It is important to think long term here.

Add Value

How can your business add value to stakeholders and connections? Sharing hints, tips and free resources or time. Some businesses that are building excellent connections during this time are offering their time free to help people upskill, offering recipes to their top dishes online for free, demonstrations, live Q&A sessions etc. What is of most value to your audience?

Be Timely, and Relevant

Be prepared to pivot and adjust your story daily, or, almost hourly at the moment. As the environment in which we operates changes all the time, it is important to stay relevant and appropriate. Is the messaging sensitive? Lots of people are feeling stress and pressures, so keep that in mind and be kind.

Work in the Now

Stay in the ‘now’, don’t worry about the ‘far out future’. What do you need to support your audience now and what do you see in the short-term future? It can be easy to become overloaded with worry with ‘what if’s’. Staying focused and working in the short-term as we navigate the new norm is going to help with staying focussed and achieving milestones.

Keep Activity Up.

Above all, don’t fall into a big black hole. Keep the activity up and keep connected.

Marketing during COVID-19 really is no different to how we should be marketing during 'normal' times, but with a few extra considerations. Simply pivoting and adding value is going to ensure that when the time comes to spend or engage with your brand/business - consumers remember you (if they aren't already spending with you during this time).

If you'd like to throw around some ideas, feel free to contact us for a free chat.